Broiler breeder management is the most important factor in broiler farming. If the management is poor your broiler production will be less and mortality will be high.
Housing management
For proper housing management, all housing needs should be provided.
Housing requirements are as follows
Fresh air, ventilation, and air quality are the most common challenges facing broiler farmers in both current and closed environments. The best return on investment is in a minimal ventilation system, which is responsible for both the oxygen demand of the modern broiler girl and the removal of excess moisture. An adequate supply of oxygen during early development will ensure healthy cardiovascular development, especially in winter conditions, preventing problems such as epilepsy.
Importance of inlet system
The importance of the let inlet system is overlooked, especially in extremely cold weather. Installation of cross flow minimal ventilation systems will ensure minimal aviation at small levels, even in tropical countries. The amount of initial feed is easily compromised by using a tunnel inlet during minimum ventilation. When considering the design of any new home or upgrading an existing facility, the most important use of capital is in the choice of inlet and minimal ventilation.
(for ease of our readers, term "men" has been introduced for male breeders and "girl" is introduced for female breeders)
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Broiler breeder management |
Temperature and relative humidity
Accurate dirt and ambient temperature are very important to ensure good broiler breeder management. Pre-warming is essential and begins at least 24 to 48 hours before its appointment, both in summer and in tropical countries. This will reduce the temperature of the dirt to at least 32 ° C (90 ° F), in which the air and internal structures in places will be adequately heated. Failure to achieve this goal will reduce activity and feed consumption so that the farmer will quadruple his weight in the first week. A new baby will not be able to control its body temperature until it is fully warmed at 14 days of age. Their basal temperature is between 40 and 41 ° C (104–106 ° F), which rises to 41–42 C (106–108 ° F) by the age of five—hatching after 41 ° C (106 \0will lead to painting and below 39.5 ° C (103 ° F) will reduce activity and lower feed consumption. Always remember to measure the baby’s core temperature when the baby’s dry post is complete.
Litter Control
Litter is a = product in poultry farming that is used on a regular basis because birds are exposed to bedding and its contents (germs, moisture, ammonia, dust, odor, and texture) from the first day of life. Poorly managed litter can facilitate the spread of certain infectious diseases, and can also cause serious economic damage. “Garbage issues” have not yet been categorized or specifically identified, as they are linked to other management issues.
Several types of litter are pine nuts, hardwood shoungs, pine or hardwood chips, rice husks, peanut shells, sand, crushed corn kernels, Storage, processing, and processing of cut straw, hay, or corn
Dirt thickness should be 4-6 for broiler breeder
Light management
- The light should be constant for the first
Forty-eight hours after the short appointment
The light intensity should be at least 20 lakhs (2.0 feet of candles) so that the survivors can get food and water.
Feeding arrangements
* Feeding management points
de Ideally, there should not be more than one feed form
* Feed cans should always be covered and in good condition to prevent water from entering. Feeding should clean anything
Feeding programs
starter feed
* Starter feed should be fed from the age of 0-28 days as sieve bitter. If bodyweight is permanently lower than the target in 28 days, then feed the starter for 1-2 weeks
Increasing period
It is important to carefully manage dietary changes in starters, ensuring that there is no weight loss.
Gr growers should be fed for about 28 days to 5% production. Feeds should be distributed quickly and evenly throughout the house.
Ration for breeders
Breeder Starter Breeder Producer Breeder Layer
mash 6 6 8
Pieces 16 17 18
Breeder starter è 0-5 weeks
breeder producer; 6-19 weeks / 23 weeks
breeder layer è 23 weeks and so on
Health and Bio-security Management
- Place the form on the “All in / All Out” placement cycle.
- Minimum downtime in 3 weeks will reduce pollution on them
- Keep all plants cut 15 meters (50 feet) away from buildings to prevent mice and wildlife from entering.
- Do not leave equipment, building materials or dirty items lying around
- Clean the feed as soon as possible put garbage in bags or inside a storage building and
- Keep wild birds away from tall buildings and maintain an effective rat control program.
Health management
- Good management and bio-security will prevent too many poultry
- Feed Monitor the amount of feed and water for the first signs of disease.
- Postmortem examinations are completed, and a response to a symptom of a disease challenge is immediately available by contacting Aviagen.
- Vaccination alone cannot prevent flocks from facing serious disease challenges
- disease prevention is most effective through minimally designed biosecurity and management
- Vaccination programs related to local disease challenges and availability
- Salmonella infection through the feed is a threat to the health of birds.
- Raw heat treatment and monitoring of raw materials will reduce the risk of contamination.
- Use antibiotics only to treat veterinary disease
- records Keep records and monitors
- Small arrangement
Small management includes:
- Preparing for the arrival of the breeder.
- brooding
- Lighting
- a beak conditioning
Before the little ones came
- Before the arrival of the children, the following arrangements should be made:
- Preheat the house
- The temperature and humidity should be stabilized for at least 24 hours before the delivery of girls
- housing All houses and equipment must be cleaned and disinfected and the effectiveness of biosecurity operations must be verified before the chick arrival.
Upon the arrival of the chick
Achieve maximum environmental conditions. Set a minimum ventilation rate which helps in good broiler breeder management. Monitor the small behavior to make sure the temperature is satisfactory. A sample of bulk is weight
key points
- 30 air temperature 30 C / 86F (measured at chicken height)
- Floor temperature 28-30 degrees Celsius
- 60 An RH of 60-70
- Litter want to spread dirt material
- 8-10 cm (3-4 inches) for feeding track girls should not travel more than 1 meter
- Access to feeds – Quick Access to clean, fresh pastures is essential – Girls should never look for their next thing
- Temperature management is a good fit for a suitable place where proper dirt and ambient temperature are required.
- Fresh air – modern selection methods have developed a device that requires high oxygen.
- Clean Water. As the saying goes, “If a farmer cannot drink water that his children should not keep.”
- High light intensity – A well-distributed light of at least 20 lux in the brooding area will ensure good activity. Good activity means good feed.
- The first small water user should be clean. Always implement a water line cleaning program when cleaning the house and flush the lines before installing it. Natural water purification and water purification can protect against microbial contamination and biofilm formation. Once formed in water lines, biofilms provide a place for harmful bacteria and viruses to hide from disinfection. Below are some key management practices that need to be implemented.
- Check the water quality at the source annually to count both minerals and bacteria.
- Clean and flush the entire drinking system between the flocks. Silver nitrate-stable 50% of hydrogen peroxide products are outstanding for removing biofilms in water.
Beak conditioning
Full-on conditioning is usually not necessary for parents to keep lighting completely under control and is an integral part of broiler breeder management. In open-sided houses or conditions where mild severity cannot be controlled, beak conditioning may be required to manage the aggressive peel.
Females: closely examine the beaks of females at 18 weeks of age to make sure they are not too large to cause injury to their flock.
Overgrowth of birds with overgrown beaks, spoon beaks, parrot beaks or other beak defects that can prevent them from eating and drinking properly
Males: The condition of the beak of the male must be carried out with precision to maintain and maximize the situation.
- Just remove the keratinized tip
- At 18 weeks of age, take a closer look at male beaks and recall birds that have excessive beak growth or a beak defect.
- Beak conditioning chickens also reduce the risk of harm to women during mating at home and help the male mate more
- From day 1, when the birds are kept indoors when they are 16-21 weeks old when they are in production.
- There can be many such pens in one house, resulting in about 10,000 to 10,000 to 30,000 birds per house
Management during the brooding period
- Keep records
Animals Like any type of animal product, broiler breeders keep a record of their birds and the events that occur during production. Such records will usually include information about the number of chickens raised on the first day, the origin of the chickens, and the age of their parents. Also, it will include statistics on growth, water consumption, feed consumption and feed type, daily deaths, including birds found dead, and bird droppings, and sometimes death. Records include intervention data such as immunizations, disorders, and herbal treatment.
Storage density
In most countries, the legislation does not limit the storage density of broiler breeders. Instead, parent stock management guidelines provided by breeding companies are used as guidelines when deciding on density storage. Typically, densities are 4-8 birds / m2 (approximately 10-21 kg / m2, male) and 7-10 birds / m2 (approximately 13-19 kg / m2, female). Low storage density is generally applied in open-sided houses. During the first week or weeks, the stock density – calculated as the number of birds per m2 – is usually quite high, especially when spot brooding is applied. The broiler breed hen weighs about 40 g per day, and by the age of 18 weeks, the targeted weight is 1.8-1.9 kg. The targeted weight of a broiler breeder male at 18 weeks must be 2.2 kg.
Light Management
The little girls are generally kept under constant fire for the first day or a few days before the light program begins. Typically, lighting programs provide 8 hours of light during the breeding phase after the start of the second week of life. After seven days, a light that is having an intensity of 20-100 million is used. However, a breeder company recommends only 5-10 lux at 20 weeks of age (Kobe Breeder Management Guide – Kobe, 2008 online) During the production phase, 40-60 lbs in light-dark housing and natural days In the light of is increased to 80-100 lakhs (Cobb breeder management guide – Cobb, 2008 online) For non-beaked birds, the mild intensity during the breeding period is usually not more than ten lags.
For natural open-sided houses and other herds with natural daylight, a different approach to both day length control and light intensity may be necessary. A curtain system can be used.
Feeding Management
Types of feeds
From day 1, birds are given a Crumb Starter Diet Appetite Libitum for 2-3 weeks of age. In the beginning, small amounts of food are sometimes given several times a day to encourage eating. A second pelleted starter feed can then be introduced, or the birds are transferred directly to a farmer, and the amount of feed given is limited. The birds are then fed to farmers until they are 15-18 weeks old when they begin to receive pre-breeding food. At 15 to 18 weeks, the amount of feed is increased to support the start of egg production.
- Initially, breeding companies recommend feeding each bird about 5 cm. From 5 to 5 weeks, this bird is grown to 10 cm, and from 10 weeks of age to 15 per bird. Centimetres will be required. To balance feeding programs, birds need to be weighed regularly to maintain their body weight in the herd. For track feeders, it is recommended that the maximum feed distribution time not exceed 3-4 minutes. Adequate feed space and fast feed distribution are essential to ensure uniformity of bird weight and to reduce aggression around feeding, thus minimizing the risk of injury. All birds must receive their allotted rations
Water supply
For water supplies, a nipple is recommended for 8, 8-10 birds, or 1.5-2.5 cm per bird if the bell is used or trough drinkers are used. More space is needed in hot weather. During the first weeks of life, birds usually have freeAccess to water at all times later. However, Access to water may be restricted, such as shutting off water for a few hours, then rain for a few hours of feeding time, and possibly other times of the day. This is done to avoid sludge or excessive drinking (polydipsia), which results in wet and dirty.
Health and wellness issues
If necessary, new litter can be added during the rearing period. Used dirt is usually completely removed after each batch, and the house is cleaned and dismantled before a new batch enters.
Due to the stringent health requirements for broiler breeders, birds are more likely to contract some infectious diseases, such as measles (MD), coccidiosis, infectious bronchitis, gonorrhea (IBD), chickenpox, avian encephalomyelitis. , And Newcastle disease. There are regional differences between immunization schemes that relate in part to national requirements or the disease situation in the region. For example, vaccination against salmonellosis is used in many countries but is not recommended or permitted in others. Most of these vaccines are given through drinking water or aerosol sprays. However, some are given by injection (e.g., Merrick’s a disease where the first dose is usually given in the first hatchery).
Broiler breeders birds in the production farm, to check for any infection around, about 17 weeks, to check for any disease, and to monitor. A blood sample is taken from a wing vein, and it is verified that the chickens have enough antibodies to give their offspring a passive immunity and to protect them from skin infections.
From day to day until they are transplanted for 16-21 weeks, expected deaths, including slaughter (due to leg pain, birds are very small (beak defect after pruning). About 5-7-7% for women and 8% for men (referential hearing). There’s also something to focus on, for example, the birds of the wrong sex. Sexual defects are usually found in 1-2% of birds but are not detected in all breeding stages. Cooling can reach 10 to 20% for men but much less for women.
key points
The stock density for broiler breeders during broiler rearing is generally applied to 4-8 birds / m2 (male) and 7-10 birds / m2 (female).
lighting-There are specific lighting schedules
Live birds are bound to feed the entire cattle program to limit the special rate and body weight and to achieve the desired level.
Beak trimming can be done to reduce the damage caused by harmful touches, and birds are vaccinated with multiple vaccines.
16 At 16-21 weeks of age, the birds are transferred to production
* Herd uniformity is considered important because it increases bird fighting. This helps some birds not to get the feed they need and is more hungry, as well as hurting each other.
Production period
Housing during the production period
Generally, the production period starts between 18-22 weeks and lasts till 60-65 weeks of age.
Management during the production period
- Keep records
- Health management
The main goals in the management of adult breeders are to maintain the health status of the herd while allowing for a steady but gradual increase in body weight to maintain high egg production. High standards of bird monitoring for management purposes include body weight, physical condition, egg production and hatching, infertility and hatchability, egg weight and egg mass.
Introduction to men in the flock
Men are selected before transferring to a production house based on body weight (avoiding birds that are too heavy or too light), feather cover, and body, leg, and foot condition. The percentage of males in the production house transition age is between 8-10%, with a maximum of 7-9.5% intending to become males in 23 weeks when egg production begins. The percentage of men depends on the country and the individual farm
The male selection continues during the brooding butch selection period. The main criteria for selection are male reproductive activity (unmatched males), extreme bodyweight, and leg condition. Male mortality during the reproductive stage is about 10%, and about 15-25% of males have died due to selection criteria.
la The average female mortality during the saving period is 99%, but it can vary between 4-12%. Due to selection, the proportion of chickens in chickens is about 1-2% in the production period, resulting in 5-14% of total deaths. The mortality rate for parental stock savings was recorded at 9.5%, and the parent rate for males and females was between 10-10%.
Weight control
Weight control is important during the brooding period, and men and women need to be fed separately. Feeds are not strictly restricted during the rearing period. However, feeding for both males and females during the laying period is carefully controlled (Hawking, 2009). This indicates that the ad libitum intake can be limited to 45-80% after the bird’s hatch and up to 80% of the ad libitum intake after the latex peak. A feed is provided either about half an hour after the morning lights come on or about 8 hours after the lights are on.
Men should not lose weight but should not be overweight as it has negative effects on fertility, especially after the age of 30 weeks. Nevertheless, a small weight gain after 30 weeks of age is necessary to maintain productivity (Hawking, 2009). For females, the goal is to start egg production (5% production) at 23-25 weeks of age. Egg production and physical condition determine the amount of feed provided. When the herd reaches 5-10 production yields, it is advisable to maximize feed until peak production (up to 30 weeks of age). After high yields, avoid fat accumulation and reduce egg production very quickly. The amount of feed gradually decreases.
Feeding and watering
Reed breeding companies recommend 15 cm feeder space for chickens and 20 cm feeder space for males. With pan feeders, each pan contains eight males and 10-12 hens. It is recommended that the feed delivery time be three to four minutes. For water equipment, it is recommended that I drink 60-80 birds per hour, 15 birds per cup, or six birds per bird.
Like the rearing period, water is often not available on the ad-lib but is prohibited to prevent excessive drinking.
(polydipsia) and spelling. Generally, water is supplied for at least two hours after feeding, and for one hour in the afternoon before the lights are turned off. It is important to monitor the bird’s water intake and not be too strict as it will have adverse effects on health and production. In advanced countries, Access to water during the production period is not restricted at all.
Light management
For lighting schedules, the recommendations of breeding companies are generally followed. Around the transition age in the production house, the light duration increases from 8 hours a day to 15-16 hours of light at the age of 28 weeks. Depending on the age of transition to the production house, the light intensity increases to 40-60 million between 19-21 weeks of age. Currently, the light intensity of 20, 20-40 lux may be applied to beaked birds.
Nest place
Individual nests or collective nests can be used. The industry recommends that the number of hens for each nest be four to five hens for different nests or 40-90 hens per meter for automatic cooperative nests. Typically, automatic cooperative nests are placed in a raised position
Male ratio
The proportion of males decreases during the productive period (mainly due to selection).
From the second half of the ying laying period, the chicken feather server often deteriorates. This may be due to prejudice, but the main factor is coherence. The quality of the feather cover varies between different types of hybrids. This is a welfare issue for transport and thermal regulation.
Monitoring Blood samples are taken at regular intervals (every 12 weeks) to monitor the disease. Vaccines are not so frequent during the breeding season, and in general, in EU countries, broiler breeders only vaccinate against infectious bronchitis during the breeding season.
Egg management
Collection of eggs
hat Maximum hatchability and quality of the girl can be achieved only when the eggs are placed in the incubator with maximum conditions between laying and sorting. Remember that a fertilized egg has many living cells. Once saved, the ability to avoid it can be better maintained, not improved. If the misrepresentation is used, hatching capabilities will accelerate.
Eggs should be carefully classified to prevent damage to the eggs. Not suitable for hatching and hatching. These are: cracked, dirty CK as defined by company policy
The clean manual nest should be maintained with a clean shave. Any droplets, broken eggs, and any contaminated material should be removed from the nest immediately and replaced with pure fresh nest material. In the early stages, women start scratching the ruins, but they will soon lose it.
Frequent walking to the common herd location is a good management technique to minimize flooring
The flocks will be disturbed by birds that are looking for places to nest in the dirt or the corners of the house and will encourage them to use the nest boxes.
Eggs Collect eggs at least four times a day, and six during the peak production period
Egg management
Collecting eggs from building-built nests should be done to avoid the risk of premature incubation. The use of floor eggs depresses hatchability and is a health hazard. Under no circumstances should floor eggs be placed in nest boxes. They should be separated from the nest eggs, packed and identified
Eggs Prevent hairline cracks by carefully controlling the eggs at all times. Collect the eggs in a plastic or fiber tray. The egg tray should be stacked and placed three degrees higher. Do not use plastic buckets as they can cause more eggs to crack and become contaminated. Collecting eggs using mechanical systems should not be allowed to pile on collection tables. Run the system at a speed that allows the egg collectors to work
Collecting eggs using mechanical systems should not be allowed to pile up on collection tables. Run the system at a speed that allows egg collectors to work comfortably
Egg grading
- Eggs should be carefully graded to prevent damage to the eggs from laying.
- Eggs not suitable for hatching and hatching.
- Dirty as defined by company policy
- Cracked
- Small – depending on hatchery policy
- Very large or double yellow or defective shells
* Overall missed discarded eggs should be kept well away from hatching
hat It is important to carefully place the eggs in a setter or transport tray with a small (pointed) tip. The egg handling room should be kept clean. Maintain good control of vermin in the egg shop. The egg handling room is the first step in cooling the egg, and there is the benefit of keeping it cool. Cooler than a laying house, but warmer than an egg.
Egg hygiene
Under certain conditions, laying eggs can be beneficial in cleaning eggs. It is recommended to use fumigation with formaldehyde, but for alternative methods, contact your technical service representative
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- Saved
- Community
Egg storage
Farm eggs should be allowed to cool slowly to store temperature before being placed in the egg store. According to the chart, keep the eggs in a separate room that can be maintained at all times. Relative humidity of 75 la should be maintained at all times. For long-term egg storage, refer to the Kobe Hatchery Management Guide. Keep a record of the maximum and minimum temperature and relative humidity in the egg shop. Read the thermometer three times a day, in the morning, in the middle of the day and the evening at the same time. When cold eggs are taken in a warm environment, thickening will occur. This is often overlooked when the eggs are transported from the farm to the hatchery, and temperature-controlled egg carts are used to prevent the eggs from being transported from the farm to the incubator.
Key Egg Storage Tips
- Eggs should be collected from the fields and taken to the hatchery at least twice a week.
- There are three areas of Storage: farm egg room, transport, and hatchery egg
- To avoid rapid changes in temperature and humidity, it is important to look closely at each of these conditions, which can cause the eggs to thicken (sweat), or make the eggs colder or hotter.
- Recent research suggests that eggs should be slowly cooled from the hatchery egg storage room, which should be the best location.
- From this point, heat the eggs to room temperature before applying the heat
- These changes in temperature should be in a stable pattern and from the bottom to a good point, then from the egg stock to the incubator in a durable design.
- Egg Fluctuations in temperature during egg storage time will lead to very early hatching deaths and poor quality.