Brooder Pneumonia in chicks
It is also known as Aspergillosis in the field. Aspergillus is a fungal species that causing brooder pneumonia in poultry. There are some genera are available of Aspergillus species in the world.
The most common genera are Aspergillus fumigatus, flavus, nigar, nidulans, glaucus, candidus, etc. Aspergillus fumigatus is important for poultry which responsible for causing broader pneumonia in poultry.
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Chicks brooding |
Primarily, Aspergillus fumigatus is responsible for causing broader pneumonia in poultry. However, other species like A.flavus, nidulans, terreus are Isolated from the brooder pneumonia but compared to less in number than A.fumigatus.
Aspergillus fumigatus is a filamentous, small with a smooth or spinose surface. They produce spore which sizes very 200- 400 nm. In the contaminated, poultry flocks hyphae are presented in the air excessively. It is saprophytic in nature
Brooder pneumonia caused by the A.femigatus. it has a widespread of the host in nature. The disease emerges during a period in chicks, quails, pheasants, turkeys, pigeons, parrots, etc.
Brooder pneumonia dominantly effects at the early age of poultry. The limited ages vary day old to 10 days due to the respiratory tract not starting functional fully during this time.
Sometimes, Brooder pneumonia develops as an outbreak form at chicks, but adult birds became affected occasionally.
Susceptible Age
There is no age limit to infect by the A.fumigatus causing broader pneumonia. Chicks belie 3 days of age highly susceptible age to induce infection.
Besides, A.fumigatus, other species like A.flavus is causing tracheal aspergillosis in poultry. Some Auther also observed that A.flavus caused pulmonary infection in chicks & quails.
Associated factors
Some factors are responsible for provoking broader pneumonia in the poultry flocks.
Feed moisture
The feed contains higher moisture content (above 14%) which liable to provide an optimum growth environment for the A.fumigatus.
In this way, after I’m taking fungal contaminated feed, chicks consume more spores of A.fumigatus and after that chicks respiratory tract affected by it inducing broader pneumonia.