Part 1:

  1. Fletcher’s media is used for cultivation of ………………………………
    a. Borrelia
    b. Leptospira
    c. Salmonella
    d. Listeria
    ANS: b. Leptospira
  2. For motility testing ……………………. Media is used
    a. Liquid media
    b. Semi solid media
    c. Solid media
    d. All the above
    ANS: b. Semi solid media
  3. Tryptic soy agar is a ……………………… media
    a. Basal
    b. Enriched
    c. Selective
    d. Enrichment
    ANS: a. Basal
  4. Concentration of salt in Mannitol salt agar is ………………………..
    a. 2%
    b. 6%
    c. 3%
    d. 5%
    ANS: d. 5%
  5. Egg containing media is used for the cultivation of ……………………………..
    a. Mycobacteria
    b. Mycoplasma
    c. Chlamydia
    d. Borrelia
    ANS: a. Mycobacteria
  6. Rhodamine will give …………………….. fluorescence
    a. Apple green
    b. Orange
    c. Reddish
    d. Bluish
    ANS: c. Reddish
  7. Mesosome is the invagination of ………………………..
    a. Nuclear membrane
    b. Plasma membrane
    c. Cell wall
    d. Capsule
    ANS: b. Plasma membrane
  8. Which among the following is having linear DNA?
    a. Bordettela
    b. Borrelia
    c. Brucella
    d. Blue green algae
    ANS: b. Borrelia
  9. Volutin granules are seen in ………………………….
    a. Corynebacterium
    b. Campylobacter
    c. Clostridia
    d. Listeria
    ANS: a. Corynebacterium
  10. …………………………….. is the numerically most abundant protein of gram –ve cell wall
    a. Lipoprotein
    b. Glycoprotein
    c. Apoprotein
    d. Flagellim
    ANS: a. Lipoprotein
  11. Flagellar antigen is …………………………
    a. H antigen
    b. O antigen
    c. K antigen
    d. F antigen
    ANS: a. H antigen
  12. Gram+ organisms have ………………… pair of flagellar rings
    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4
    ANS: a. 1
  13. Sheathed flagellum is seen in ……………………………….
    a. Listeria
    b. Leptospira
    c. Salmonella
    d. Leuconostoc
    ANS: b. Leptospira
  14. Which among the following shows pleomorphism?
    a. Streptobacilli
    b. Streptococci
    c. Staphylococci
    d. Lactobacilli
    ANS: a. Streptobacilli
  15. Quantitative ability of an organism to cause disease is ……………………………..
    a. Virulence
    b. Pathogenicity
    c. Invasiveness
    d. Adhesiveness
    ANS: a. Virulence
  16. ……………………………………. Test is used to distinguish pathogenic Staphylococci
    a. Catalase test
    b. Coagulase test
    c. CAMP test
    d. MUG test
    ANS: b. Coagulase test
  17. …………………………….. is the indicator used in Citrate utilization test
    a. Bromocresol purple
    b. Bromothymol blue
    c. Neutral red
    d. Phenol red
    ANS: b. Bromothymol blue
  18. Sodium thaurochorate is a ……………………..
    a. Bile salt
    b. Buffer
    c. Bile pigment
    d. PH indicator
    ANS: a. Bile salt
  19. ………………………………… pathway is used by Pseudomonas to oxidise aromatic compound to acetyl coA AND SUCCINATE
    a. TCA cycle
    b. Pyruvate decarboxylation pathway
    c. Entner-Doudoroff pathway
    d. Beta keto adipate pathway
    ANS: d. Beta keto adipate pathway
  20. Which among the following show bipolar staining characters?
    a. Pasteurella and Salmonella
    b. Pasteurella and Yersinia
    c. Yersinia and Brucella
    d. Yersinia and Salmonella
    ANS: b. Pasteurella and Yersinia
  21. Common laboratory contamionator is ………………………..
    a. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    b. Protius vulgaris
    c. Mycoplasma mycoides
    d. Staphylococcus aureus
    ANS: b. Protius vulgaris
  22. Which among the following is true about Bacilllus anthracis?
    a. Rough colony is pathogenic
    b. Smooth colony is pathogenic
    c. Mucoid colony is pathogenic
    d. Both a & b
    ANS: a. Rough colony is pathogenic
  23. Type culture collections in India is maintained at …………………………
    a. Ludhiana
    b. Mukteshwar
    b. Bareilly
    c. Banglore
    ANS: a. Ludhiana
  24. ……………………………… is a type specimen designated by the original discoverer of the species
    a. Neotype
    b. Holotype
    c. Serotype
    d. Biotype
    ANS: b. Holotype
  25. ……………………………. Is a method of classification of bacteria using a number of parameters
    a. Adansonian classification
    b. Numerical classification
    c. Polyphasic classification
    d. Computer taxonomy
    ANS: c. Polyphasic classification

Part 2:

  1. The ratio of diameter of objective lens to focal length is:
    a. Numerical aperture
    b. Resolution
    c. Magnification
    d. None of these
  2. An example for positive eye piece:
    a. Huygenian eyepiece
    b. Ramsden eyepiece
    c. Both a and b
    d. None of these
  3. ________________ microscopy is used to determine dry mass of living cells and their nuclei
    a. Darkfield microscopy
    b. Laser microscopy
    c. Interference microscopy
    d. Flourescence microscopy
  4. ________________ types of specimens have to be used in electron microscopy
    a. Hydrated specimen
    b. Dehydrated specimen
    c. Thick specimen
    d. Stained specimen
  5. Which among the following contain sterol in cytoplasmic membrane
    a. Spirochetes
    b. Mycoplasma
    c. Clamydia
    d. Clostridia
  6. _________________ are also known as PPLO
    a. Rickettsiae
    b. Mycoplasma
    c. Mycobacteria
    d. Clamydia
  7. ________________ produces packet of 8 organisms or multiple of 8.
    a. Neisseria
    b. Sarcina
    c. Veillonella
    d. All the above
  8. Normal fir tree appearence in gelatin stab medium is produced by
    a. Bacillus anthracis
    b. Clostridium
    c. Erysipelothrix
    d. Salmonella
  9. Primary stain in gram staining is
    a. Crystal violet
    b. Methylene blue
    c. Safranin
    d. Carbol fuchsin
  10. In Hucker staining method, gram positive cell appear ________________ in colour
    a. Blue
    b. Pink
    c. Violet
    d. Dark red
  11. Which among the following is wrong about negative staining of bacteria?
    a. Used to study cell shape
    b. Can be done with eosin or nigrosin
    c. Stain does not penetrate the cell
    d. Heat fixation is required
  12. Which among the following is acid fast positive?
    a. Mycoplasma
    b. Nocardia
    c. Neisseria
    d. Fusobacterium
  13. Traunt staining fluorescence method is used for
    a. Endoscope
    b. Acid fast bacteria
    c. Flagella
    d. Gram positive bacteria
  14. Popping test is done for the staining of
    a. Exospore
    b. Endospore
    c. Pili
    d. Flagella
  15. Which among the following is used for endospore staining
    a. Schaeffer-Fulton staining
    b. Donner staining method
    c. Burke staining method
    d. Both a and b
  16. Which among the following is used for flagellar staining?
    a. Gray staining method
    b. Leyson staining method
    c. Dorner staining method
    d. Both a and b
  17. ______________ is used in Ames test
    a. Salmonella typhimurium
    b. Shigella dysentriae
    c. Staphylococcus aureus
    d. Sreptococcus pneumoniae
  18. Muller Hinton agar is used in
    a. Ames test
    b. Replica plating method
    c. Antibiotic sensitivity test
    d. Penicillin enrichment of mutants
  19. Calcium chloride treated bacterial cells are competent for
    a. Transduction
    b. Transformation
    c. Plasmid replication
    d. Conjugation
  20. Indicator in urea broth medium is _____________________
    a. Phenol red
    b. Bromocresol purple
    c. Methyl red
    d. Bromothymol blue
  21. IMViC reaction for Yersinia is
    a. + + – –
    b. – + – +
    c. – – + +
    d. – + – –
  22. Indole production can be detected by _____________________
    a. Barritt’s reagent
    b. Kovac’s reagent
    c. Collin’s reagent
    d. Baeyer’s reagent
  23. Which among the following shows mixed acid fermentation of glucose
    a. Shigella
    b. Klebsiella
    c. Enterobacter
    d. Serratia
  24. Which among the following is used as cryoprotectants in the storage of bacterial culture at -700C?
    a. 10% glycerol
    b. 10% DMSO
    c. 15% glycerol
    d. 15% DMSO
  25. Voges proskeur test is based on the ability of organism to produce ________________ in glucose phosphate broth
    a. Urea
    b. Pyruvic acid
    c. Acetoin
    d. Phenylene diamine

ANSWERS: 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. b 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. c 11. d 12. b 13. b 14. b 15. d 16. d 17. a 18. c 19. b 20. a 21. d 22. b 23. a 24. a 25. c

Part 3:

  1. MIASMATIC THEORY was proposed by ……………………………………….
    a. Themisson
    b. Girolamo Frocaistoro
    c. Thassalus
    d. Hippocrates
    Ans : d. Hippocrates
  2. CONTAGION THEORY was proposed by ……………………………………….
    a. Girolamo Frocaistro
    b. Anton Von Leeuwenhoek
    c. Athanisius Kircher
    d. Francesco Redi
    Ans : a. Girolamo Frocaistro
  3. Louis Pasteur developed vaccines against the following diseases except …………………………
    a. Anthrax
    b. Fowl cholera
    c. Tuberculosis
    d. Rabies
    Ans : Tuberculosis
  4. The first person to use a solid medium for cultivating bacteria …………………………………………….
    a. Louis Pasteur
    b. Francesco Redi
    c. Robert Koch
    d. Theoder Schwann
    Ans : c. Robert Koch
  5. IVRI was established as Imperial Bacteriological laboratory in ……………………………………………………………
    a. Pune ,1988
    b. Muktheswar,1980
    c. Pune, 1980
    d. Muktheswar,1980
    Ans: a. Pune,1988
  6. Organisms lacking a rigid cell wall are included under …………………………………………………………….
    a. Gracilicutes
    b. Firmicutes
    c. Mendosicutes
    d. Tenericutes
    Ans: d. Tenericutes
  7. Gram positive bacterial cellwall in addition to peptidoglycan contains …………………………………………..
    a. Mycolic acid
    b. Teichioc acid
    c. Muramic acid
    d. Pimilic acid
    Ans : b. Teichoic acid
  8. Limkage between N-acetyl glycosamine and N- cetyl muramic acid is …………………………………………….
    a. beta 1,4
    b. beta 1,3
    c. beta 1,2
    d. beta 1,5
    Ans : a. beta 1,4
  9. Capsule and Slime layer are together known as …………………………………………
    a. Endoplasmin
    b. Glycocalyx
    c. Exotoxin
    d. Somatic antigen
    Ans : b. Glycocalyx
  10. Based on the arrangement of flagella Pseudomaonas aeuruginosa is …………………………………….
    a. Peritrichous
    b. Amphitrichous
    c. Lophotrichous
    d. Monotrichous
    Ans: c. Lophotrichous
  11. Which among the cocci organism have/has flagella?
    a. Sporocercina
    b. Rhodococcus
    c. Planococcus
    d. All the above
    Ans: d. all the above
  12. Impermeability of spore is due to ……………………………………………….
    a. Poly-D-Glutamic acid
    b. Calcium Dipicolinic acid
    c. Thecoic acid
    d. Diamino Pimilic acid
    Ans: b. Calcium Dipicolinic acid
  13. Which among the following is a diplococci?
    a. Micrococci
    b. Neisseria
    c. Streptococci
    d. Rhodococci
    Ans: b. Neisseria
  14. Feulgen staining is used to stain …………………………… which appears ………………………….. in colour.
    a. Nucleoid, purple
    b. Cytoplasm, blue
    c. Ribosome, purple
    d. volutin granules, red
    Ans : a. Nucleoid, purple
  15. Cooked meat media can be used for the culture of …………………………………..
    a. Anaerobic
    b. Capnophilic
    c. Mesophilic
    d. Thermophilic
    Ans: a. Anaerobic
  16. The method used to preserve bacteria in powder form is …………………………………..
    a. Tyndallisation
    b. Lyophilization
    c. Deep freezing
    d. Cryopreservation
    Ans: b. Lyophilization
  17. Refractive index of Canada Balsam is ………………………………..
    a. 1.535
    b. 1.524
    c. 1.483
    d. 1.460
    Ans: a. 1.535
  18. ……………………………………………………… are produced by gram positive bacteria where there is complete absence of cell wall.
    a. L-form
    b. Spheroplast
    c. Protoplast
    d. Mycoplasma
    Ans: c. Protoplast
  19. Fractional sterilization was devised by ………………………………………….
    a. Louis Pasteur
    b. John Tyndall
    c. John Snow
    d. Joseph Lister
    Ans: b. John Tyndall
  20. Seitz Filter is used for filtering ………………………………………
    a. Culture broth
    b. Serum
    c. Toxin from culture
    d. Viral growth medium
    Ans: b. Serum
  21. Preservative used for serum is ………………………………..
    a. Merthiolate
    b. HCHO
    c. 70% alcohol
    d. 10% alcohol
    Ans: a. Merthiolate
  22. Garrod test is used ………………………………….
    a. to evaluate virulence of bacteria
    b. to check phenol coefficient
    c. to check antibiotic susceptibility
    d. to estimate D-value
    Ans: b. to check phenol coefficient
  23. Anaerobes cannot withstand oxygen due to lack of ………………………………….
    a. Superoxide dismutase
    b. Catalase
    c. Peroxidase
    d. both a and b
    Ans: d. both a and b
  24. Piezophiles are bacteria which can withstand great ……………………………….
    a. atmospheric pressure
    b. osmotic pressure
    c. radiation
    d. temperature
    Ans: a. atmospheric pressure
  25. Carbohydrates are added to the bacterial media at a rate of …………………………….
    a. 0.5 – 2 %
    b. 4 – 5 %
    c. not added
    d. 7%
    Ans: a. 0.5 – 2 %

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